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Red Mulberry



Morus rubra




Information not available


Eastern US

  • Central Texas eastward to S Florida
  • S Florida northward to New Jersey
  • New Jersey westward to SE Minnesota
  • SE Minnesota southwestward to central Texas
  • Scattered localities in Pennsylvania, New York, and New England

Human Product Number - 112

Veterinary Product Number - 112


This is the only native mulberry throughout its range except for the extreme southwestern part. It is a relatively small- or medium-sized tree, sporadically distributed in lowland areas and floodplains. Leaves vary in size but may exceed four inches in length, and may be entire or have one or two lobes; the undersides are lighter than the upper surfaces. Male and female flowers are produced on separate trees in the spring, pollination is achieved by wind, and the fleshy fruits ripen during the summer when they are eagerly sought by wildlife.